Preface   NTHEM The complete MIDI program for the Macintosh®. Anthem is Shareware - you may try the program for a short time - but if you like it and want to keep using it, please send in the requested $60 registration fee. Six years went into developing this program; please be fair and help support it. See the chapter "How to Register Anthem" for complete instructions. Please read this manual. At a minimum, read the chapter "Quick Start" which explains the basics of how Anthem can be used effectively. This manual was written using DOCMaker, the shareware document creator from Green Mountain Software. If you have any problems using or printing from this manual, contact Green Mountain Software at or . If you have questions about Anthem, contact Sir Rah Productions. Registered users will receive eMail support. Feel free to submit comments, suggestions, and bug reports. ©Copyright 1996 Sir Rah Productions and Henry Harris. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Credits Anthem developed by Henry M. Harris Sir Rah Productions 884 Palo Verde Pasadena, CA 91104 email: Web page: And thanks to all the people who helped beta test Anthem: Stonewall Ballard Stefan Daystrom Don Hariss Rich Parker Nigel Redmon